
Kern & Korn - Bäckerei Gensingen

Kern & Korn - Bäckerei Gensingen

AnschriftAusserhalb 23
Ort 55457 Gensingen, Deutschland
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Kern & Korn is a company that specializes in handmade bread and pastries. They use a traditional stone oven to bake their products, ensuring the best quality, taste, and freshness. Their breads and pastries are made with natural ingredients, including sourdough and a resting period for the dough. Kern & Korn takes pride in creating knuspriges (crispy) and handcrafted breads that are free from any artificial additives. Their products are prepared with care, using ingredients sourced from the region. Anna Kern, the founder, believes that nothing beats the taste and aroma of a bread baked in a stone oven. Kern & Korn operates mainly on Fridays and Saturdays, with weeks of preparation and testing going into each batch of bread and pastries.

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